What I Learnt From The Avengers

If I haven’t been blogging regularly, I apologize, it’s only because I’ve been dumbstruck by the awesomeness of this movie.

Okay that’s a lie. I only watched the movie 17 hours ago. However, the past month, I was busy warming up my bed for when Tony Stark needs someplace safe to hide. (*wink wink*)

But that isn’t to say that The Avengers hasn’t changed my outlook on life. Because it has. I’m not your regular superhero fanatic, but I love me a man in a uniform. And here, we have 4 ( plus Scarlett Johansson, who looks good enough for me to vow not to leave the treadmill till my legs keel under me), and this is not counting the superhuman awesomeness that is The Hulk.

You want me to list out the benefits of the movie, you say? Awww shucks, really? I don’t know what to say, I mean, I am so unprepared…      *takes out the blog post she’s been working on for a month and the notes she was busy taking down during the movie*

  1. Having red hair, a skin-tight black leotard and the name Natasha doesn’t necessarily make you a Russian mail-order bride. It also means that you can kick some ass.
  2. Don’t expect Captain America and Black Widow to hook up, even though they had some pretty good action going on in The Nanny Diaries.  ( Ummmm… Spoiler Alert?)
  3. When a big, green man falls out of the sky right into your warehouse, you are not to act alarmed. Just stay calm, and pass The Hulk his shorts.
  4. If I am to ever visit the Big Apple, note that the so-called crime rate means nothing. How can the city possibly be unsafe, what with Spiderman, and now The Avengers, running all around the place?
  5. When Captain America gives orders, you listen. Especially when he goes, “Hulk? Smash.”
  6. If a big, metal caterpillar falls right out of the sky, and attempts to land bang in the middle of Times Square, don’t attempt to evacuate the civilian population or anything. Just keep calm, and wait for The Hulk.
  7. The term “3D” under the title name carries no significance. It doesn’t mean that the arrows that Hawkeye shoots appear to pierce through your very core. It just means that unless you purchase those glasses from the counter after shelling out an unnecessary amount of cash, and view the movie through above mentioned glasses, the movie is going to be as fuzzy as Loki’s brains after The Hulk smashed him around.
  8. Always love The Hulk. ALWAYS.

To sum it up, it looks like I have The Avengers to thank for restoring my ever-changing faith in superheroes.

Now where’s that Justice League of America movie that we’ve all been waiting for?